Out in the beautiful borough of Queens is this yearly tasting event. All inclusive of food and wine representing Queens and it's international flavor. Set in a large and slightly tacky catering hall(which adds to the charm and uniqueness of the event) taste of Queens was not as innovative as last year's. The theme of the meatball and a contest for who makes the best limited the food choices as many vendors served meatballs. Some food standouts were the meatballs from Bar Stuzzichini(from Manhattan) lovely Andulusion gazpacho from 718 in Astoria and authentic Italian food from Manetta's in Long Island City like stuffed mushrooms with sausage, and stuffed artichokes with black olives. Desserts like gelato from Ciao Bella and some local bakeries could have been a little more imaginative. Magic Hat, Brooklyn beer were a lovely presence as was Maker's Mark and specialty rum drinks.