Long industrial space on Broadway amid nail salons and Pollo Mario while directly across from the Queens Public Library. Queens Kickshaw boasts top-notch coffees and coffee making with creative grilled cheese sandwiches. When you enter you feel a little of the Brooklyn vibe, though with Queens flavor and hospitality. I went for the grilled cheese. None of the items are over $11 which makes for cheap fix. They range from gruyere with pickled onions on rye with Napa cabbage-caraway slaw for $8 to Gouda with black bean hummus, guava jam, pickled jalapeno on brioche with green salad and jalapeno vinaigrette for$10. I went with a classic combo- cheddar and mozzarella on brioche with tomato soup and toasted pumpkin seeds for $8. My sandwich was artfully prepared by the grilled cheese chef and was sinfully satisfying. Goey, cheese exploded from buttery brioche. Combine that with rich tomato soup flavored with carrots. More grilled cheese please!