Hot and spicy pickles, chutney's, HOT hot sauces and the best display and tastings of chilies and chocolates. This food day family event later proved a washout, but it was super fun until the rain came. A line up of vendors including Horman's pickles whose bread and butter pickle and horseradish pickle were pickleicious.
J.D south philly's hot sauce were some of the hottest I ever tasted.
There were food demos of spicy foods and lessons on different chilies. The creme de la creme was the "Hot Chocolate" area featuring master chocolatiers displaying and offering samples of their interpretation of spicy, chile infused chocolates. Chocolate and chile dark chocolates, cookies, even cupcakes reached new sweet and savory goodness. There was also a sampling of chefs cooking up spicy bread pudding, peppers with chocolate and even ravioli with chocolate. A panel discussion on the subject discussed the origins of this combo. This is a yearly event and for next year's event-at the Brooklyn Botanic garden.
Must Go!