Do you like custard- I do. There used to be more custard in NYC, now the Shake Shack franchise is the number one custard seller. This is Midwestern style from a genuine Midwestern girl and true Midwestern milk products. Frozen custard is very popular in the Midwest and has a dense creamy texture due to the addition of egg yolks. 5OZ has a smaller batch flavor than Shake Shack. The chocolate is really chocolatey and you could customize your custard with yummy add-ons. Fudge, caramel sauce, fleur de sel, and homemade whipped cream. These extras make you a mad custard scientist and flavor combos comfort and rock your palate. The soothing farmhouse interior has a nice bathroom, plants and lovely place to devour your custard concoction. About $7 with add-ons.
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